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An (incomplete) list of things I've built, sorted newest to oldest.

wordle-solver - A little helper for your Wordle puzzles (Demo)

pfwr - Turns a Markdown file into a beautiful HTML slide deck. Batteries included

lezer-feel - A DMN FEEL language definition for the Lezer parser system. Supports all FEEL quirks, including context sensitivity and names with spaces

feel-playground - A playground to learn and explore the DMN FEEL language.

wuffle - A multi-repository task board for GitHub issues (Demo)

merge-me - A GitHub bot that merges your pull requests once all required checks pass

BPMN Token Simulation - A BPMN 2.0 specification compliant token simulator

bpmnlint - Validate BPMN diagrams based on configurable lint rules

saxen - A tiny and fast SAX-style XML parser written in plain JavaScript

kartoffeldruck - A non-pluggable, all-in-one, opinionated static site generator written in NodeJS

dashup - Cross repository/organization activity streams for GitHub

kickr - A table soccer result tracker application

bpmn-js - Web-based editor for BPMN 2.0

didi - Dependency Injection for JavaScript

hplayer - An audio drama fall asleep specialized command line based media player

karma-browserify - A fast Browserify integration for Karma that handles large projects with ease

moddle - Meta-model based data structures for those who need it

node-xsd-schema-validator - XSD schema validator for NodeJS that uses Java to perform the actual validation (because only Java can actually handle 100 percent of the XSD hell)

bpmn.io - Web-based toolkits editors for BPMN 2.0, DMN and CMMN

silent-disco - A remote disco that synchronizes the music streamed from SoundCloud between all connected ears

ngDefine - A integration of AngularJS into RequireJS powered applications

jquery-dialog2 - A declarative, markup centric ajax dialog flow library for jQuery / Bootstrap

jquery-tagit - A tag auto completion plug-in for jQuery

Endwelt Automation - An in-browser automation for the Endwelt online game using Greasemonkey. Including data mining and analytics.

Lords and Knights Automate.js - An in-browser automation for the Lords and Knights online game

SV Empor Volleyball - Website of a local volleyball club

annotation_security - Transparent, resource based, declarative security for ruby on rails applications

FirstFriend - A help system for new students at the Blekinge Institute of Technology

planetinvaders.net - Collaborative and competitive AI development in a simple strategy game

Check out more projects on GitHub.